
深吃水多立柱式平台的运动响应分析 被引量:4

Motion Analysis of a Deep Draft Multi-spar Platform
摘要 提出了一种新型深吃水多立柱式平台DDMS(Deep Draft Multi-spars),介绍了DDMS平台的创新概念,并描述了平台的交互式设计方法和设计流程。使用基于绕射和辐射理论的高阶边界元方法,得到了平台波频激振力和水动力系数,在频域获得了幅值响应算子RAO。利用平均波浪漂移力和Newman近似方法预报了平台的二阶波浪慢漂激振力,在时域进行了DDMS平台运动响应的数值模拟。计算结果验证了DDMS平台设计的合理性,显示了平台良好的运动性能。 A new deep draft multi-spars platform concept is brought out and introduced as well,as the interactive design method and design process of the platform are described.1st order wave exciting force and hydrodynamic information for DDMS are obtained by using 3D boundary element method base diffraction and radiation theories.The response amplitude operators RAO are calculated in frequency domain.The 2nd order slow are forces were captured through the Newman’s approximation and the mean wave forces.The motions of time history for DDMS are simulated in time domain.The calculated results reveal the rationality of the design and indicate the favorable motion performance for DDMS.
出处 《中国造船》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期107-116,共10页 Shipbuilding of China
基金 国家863计划项目(2006AA09A103 2006AA09A104)
关键词 船舶、舰船性能 深水平台 概念设计 运动响应 时域 频域 Spar ship engineering deepwater platform concept design motion analysis time domain frequency domain Spar
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