
生甘遂及其炮制品中2种三萜成分的含量研究 被引量:5

Determination of 2 Triterpenes in Radix Kansui and Its Processed Products
摘要 目的应用反相高效液相色谱法比较生甘遂和醋甘遂中大戟二烯醇及表大戟二烯醇的含量差异。方法样品以乙酸乙酯为提取溶剂,超声处理后,蒸干,加甲醇溶解,以HPLC法分析。采用Agilent C8色谱柱分离,柱温:30℃;以乙腈-水(95∶5)为流动相,流速:1.0mL.min-1;检测波长:210nm。结果考察了44份甘遂及其炮制品中的大戟二烯醇和表大戟二烯醇的含量情况。结论生甘遂及其炮制品醋甘遂中的三萜成分以大戟二烯醇及表大戟二烯醇为主,甘遂及醋甘遂中大戟二烯醇(Ⅰ)和表大戟二烯醇(Ⅱ)的含量消长变化有一定规律,二者之比(Ⅰ/Ⅱ)约为3∶1,可以只测定大戟二烯醇的含量来控制甘遂及其炮制品的质量。 Objective To differentiate the contents of euphol and tirucallol in Radix Kansui and Radix Kansui(processed with vinegar) by HPLC.Methods The sample was extracted with ethyl acetate by ultrasonication.HPLC analysis was performed on an Agilent C8 column.The mobile phase was acetonitrile-water(95∶5).The flow rate was 1.0mL·min-1 and UV detection was set at 210nm.Results Explore the contents of euphol and tirucallol of 44 samples by HPLC.Conclusion Euphol and tirucallol are the main triterpenes in Radix Kansui and its processed products.We can calculate the contents of tirucallol without determining to the contents of euphol,because the ratio of the contents of euphol and tirucallol is nearly 3∶1.
出处 《中国药事》 CAS 2010年第6期550-552,555,共4页 Chinese Pharmaceutical Affairs
基金 国家科技支撑计划课题(编号2006BAI14B01)
关键词 甘遂 醋甘遂 大戟二烯醇 表大戟二烯醇 HPLC Radix Kansui Radix Kansui(processed with vinegar) euphol tirucallol HPLC
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