
一氧化氮对离体心脏功能的影响 被引量:6

Effects of nitric oxide on myocardial function in isolated working heart preparation
摘要 目的:初步探讨一氧化氮对心脏功能的作用及其可能机制。方法:本实验利用Langendorf离体工作心脏灌流装置及技术,观察了NO供体SIN-1、硝普钠灌流心脏后心功能及心肌某些生化指标的改变情况。结果:心脏功能多项指标明显下降,以LVSP,±dp/dtmax为甚。伴之心肌cGMP含量的升高及心肌细胞膜Na+-K+-ATP酶活性的下降。结论:一氧化氮通过调控心肌cGMP的合成及肌膜Na+-K+-ATP酶活性而影响心肌功能。 AIM:To investigate the role of nitric oxide(NO) in cardiac function. METHOD:Changes of myocardial function and cyclic GMP,membrane Na +-K +-ATPase activity in myocardium were observed in isolated working heart preparation perfused with NO donor SIN-1, or sodium nitroprusside RESULTS:It was found that, parallel with marked decrease in cardiac function parameters (esp left ventricular systolic pressure, ±d p /d t max), an obvious elevation in cyclic GMP level was demonstrated with a declination of membrane Na +-K +-ATPase activity in myocardium. CONCLUSION:Nitric oxide might be involved in cardiac dysfunction by modulating cyclic GMP formation and Na +-K +-ATPase activity in myocardium.
出处 《中国病理生理杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第2期181-183,共3页 Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology
关键词 心脏 心脏功能试验 一氧化氮 Heart Cardiac function tests Nitric oxide
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