
基于有色Petri网的电力系统故障诊断模型研究 被引量:25

Fault diagnosis model of electric power systems based on coloured Petri net
摘要 现有的基于Petri网的电网故障诊断模型通用性不强,针对大电网建模时模型结构较复杂。建立了一种基于有色Petri网的电网故障诊断模型,用不同的单色代表保护类型、断路器和电网元件,根据保护原理和网络拓扑组合成复合色,用带有这些颜色标记的托肯表示不同类型的状态信息。同时建立有色Petri推理过程,给出变迁的点火规则,根据有色Petri网的推理规则进行推理获得诊断结果。通过对110 kV局部电网和某省局部电网的仿真验证表明:该方法对简单和复杂故障均能获得正确的诊断结果,并且推理速度快,模型简便,网络拓扑和保护配置的改变不影响模型结构,是一种通用性较强的电网故障诊断方法。 Complex models and lack of generality exist in fault section estimation methods based on Petri nets at present research.So a new model and its reasoning rules are built for fault diagnosis based on Coloured Petri Net(CPN).The CPN model,uses different colors to represent protective relays,circuit breakers and elements,and uses these colors to compose composite colours under principles of protective relays and network topology.Tokens of these colors represent different types of informatio n.The reasoning model and rules are set up at the same time.Then the diagnosis result may get from the CPN model by giving fault data.From simulations on 110 kV power system and a real power system,correct results can be gotten by both simple and complex faults,with quickly reasoning speed.Also the model is simple and convenient,and the network topology and protection of the configuration change does not affect the model structure.So the CPN method is a generality fault diagnosis method.
出处 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第14期5-11,127,共8页 Power System Protection and Control
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50877068) 教育部优秀新世纪人才支持计划项目(NCET-06-0799)~~
关键词 有色PETRI网 故障诊断模型 电网故障 通用性 coloured Petri net fault section estimation model power system fault generality
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