
鲜驴乳缓解体力疲劳作用的实验研究 被引量:2

Anti-fatigue Effect of Fresh Donkey Milk
摘要 目的:研究鲜驴乳缓解体力疲劳作用。方法:192只健康成年ICR小白鼠随机分为4批(每批48只),每批动物随机分为对照组、鲜驴乳低、中、高剂量组(每组12只),鲜驴乳低、中、高剂量(5、10、20mL/(kgbw·d))组分别灌胃给予鲜驴乳,对照组灌胃等体积蒸馏水,所有实验按照中华人民共和国卫生部《保健食品检验与评价技术规范》(2003)方法操作,测定动物负重游泳时间、血清尿素氮、血乳酸含量和肝糖原含量。结果:鲜驴乳高剂量组血清尿素氮含量、肝糖原含量、负重游泳时间和血乳酸含量与对照组比较结果具有统计学意义(P<0.05~0.01)。结论:鲜驴乳具有一定缓解体力疲劳作用。 Objective: To investigate whether fresh donkey milk alleviates swimming exercise fatigue in mice. Methods: ICR mice were randomly divided into 4 groups (n = 12), which were administered with fresh donkey milk at low, middle and high dosages (5, 10 mL/ kg and 20 mL/ kg) once a day for consecutively 30 days and saline as (control), respectively. According to Technical Standards for Testing Assessment of Health Food (2003 Edition), mouse exhaustive swimming time, serum urea level, blood lactate content and hepatic glycogen content were determined. Results: Compared with the control group, the swimming time, serum urea level, lactate content in blood and hepatic glycogen content in mice administered with fresh donkey milk at high dosage exhibited a significant enhancement (P 0.05 - 0.01). Conclusion: Fresh donkey milk has an obvious anti-fatigue effect.
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第13期280-282,共3页 Food Science
关键词 鲜驴乳 缓解体力疲劳 小鼠 fresh donkey milk anti-fatigue effect mice
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