Objective To investigate the security and clinical effect of surgical treatment for Marfan syndrome:needling and pushing subluxated lens to anterior chamber,phacoemulsification through a small incision at transparence-cornea,anterior segment vitrectomy,and Suture fixation of posterior chamber intraocular lens implanta-tion.Methods We retrospectively observed clinical data of 38 eyes of 23 cases suffered from Marfan syndrome with significant lens sub-luxation.The ranges of lens subluxation in all these eyes were more than a quarter.Each eye was treated in the way as follows:needled from orbiculus ciliaris and pushed subluxated lens to anterior chamber,phacoemulsification was perfomed through a small incision of 3-millimeter-long at transparence-cornea,anterior segment vitr-ectomy was operated occlusively,a tunnel styled incision at limbus of cornea was employed and a intraocular lens was sutured go ciliary sulcus with two loops.Before operations,the best vision of 32 eyes was less than 0.2,that of the other 6 eyes was more than 0.3,the best-corrected vision of 28eyes was less than 0.2.Results All cases got obviously better postoperative.After surgery,the naked vision of 10 eyes was less than 0.2,20 eyes ranged from 0.3 to 0.6,and 8 eyes ranged fron 0.6 to 1.0.The best-corrected vision of 5 eyes was less than 0.2,19 eyes ranged from 0.3 to -.5,and 14 eyes ranged from 0.6 to 1.0.The intraocular lens was in the correct situation.Conclusion The technic of needling and pushing subluxated lens to anterior chamber,phacoemulsification through a small incision at transparence-cornea,anterior segment vitrectomy,and suspension method for intraocular lens implantion,is a relatively simple,less harmful,safe,and efficent therapy for the patients sufferd from Marfan syndrome with significant sublusated lens.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries
Marfan syndrome
lens subluxation
posterior chamber intraocular lenes(PCIOL)