目的探讨外伤后肘关节僵硬康复中优先恢复屈曲功能的意义以及关节松动技术在肘关节康复中的应用原则。方法 24例外伤或手术后肘关节屈伸功能障碍患者分成治疗组和对照组,每组12例。治疗组实施优先恢复屈曲功能的原则,将关节松动技术只用于屈曲功能的治疗,而伸直功能的恢复由医生指导下的自行训练结合治疗师轻柔的被动牵伸,以减轻关节松动技术伸直训练后引起的疼痛影响屈曲功能的尽快恢复。对照组常规应用关节松动技术每天各进行一次屈曲和伸直功能训练。治疗后6周测定关节屈曲度、伸直度和屈伸弧。结果治疗6周后,治疗组关节屈曲度为95°~135°(平均124°),明显优于对照组的80°~110°(平均95°)(P<0.01);伸直度10°~35°(平均15°),与对照组10°~30°(平均16°)无显著性差异(P>0.05);治疗组屈伸弧增加53°(从56°到109°),对照组屈伸弧增加30°(从51°到81°)(P<0.01)。结论对肘关节外伤后同时存在屈曲和伸直功能障碍的患者,应优先恢复屈曲功能。
Objective To evaluate the significance of flexion priority strategy and the principle of joint mobilization technique in the rehabilitation of posttraumatic stiffness of the elbow.Methods24 patients with posttraumatic stiffness of the elbow were divided into 2 groups,12 patients in each group.The treatment group was treated with flexion priority strategy of joint mobilization technique only in the treatment of flexion contracture.In order to decrease the pain caused by joint mobilization training of extension and achieve the restoration of flexion as early as possible,the rehabilitation of extension was altered to self-exercise under the consultation of doctors combined with gentle passive traction by the therapist.The control group was treated with joint mobilization technique of both flexion and extension once a day.All the patients were measured the flexion range,extension range,and flexion-extension arc after 6 weeks of rehabilitation.Results6 weeks after rehabilitation,the treatment group got 124° of flexion(range 95°~135°),much better than the control group of 95°(range 80°~110°)(P0.01).There was no significant difference of extension degrees between the treatment group(15°,range 10°~35°)and the control group(16°,range 10°~30°)(P0.05).The final arc of flexion and extension in the treatment group had an increase of 53°,significantly greater than 30° in the control group(P0.01).ConclusionFlexion priority strategy of elbow rehabilitation can significantly restore the flexion function of posttraumatic elbow stiffness.
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice
joint mobilization technique
elbow stiffness
flexion priority