
高频地波雷达舰船目标检测性能与工作频率的关系 被引量:3

Relationship between ship target detection performance and operating frequency of high frequency surface wave radar
摘要 目前,用于探测海面和空中目标的高频地波雷达主要根据外部噪声电平来选择工作频率,这对于舰船目标检测而言是不合理的,因为舰船目标的检测性能取决于回波信杂比。针对这个问题,根据地波雷达方程分析了影响目标回波信杂比且与工作频率有关的因素,建立了舰船目标检测性能仿真模型,通过数值仿真研究了回波信杂比与工作频率之间的关系。结果表明:回波信杂比主要取决于目标散射截面,根据目标散射截面随工作频率的变化关系选择工作频率即可获得较好的检测性能。 Currently the operating frequency of high frequency surface wave radar(HFSWR) for ships′ and aircraft′s detection is selected according to the outside noise level.It is unsuitable for detecting ship targets because the detection performance is determined by the signal-to-clutter ratio(SCR).To solve the problem,the frequency-related factors which affect SCR of the targets were analyzed based on HFSWR equation,and then the simulation model was established to evaluate the perfor-mance of detecting ship targets.The relationship between SCR and operating frequency was studied in the numerical simulation.The results show that SCR is mainly decided by RCS of targets and that the better detection performance can be achieved by selecting the operating frequency according to the frequency-varying characteristics of RCS.
出处 《海军工程大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第6期74-77,共4页 Journal of Naval University of Engineering
关键词 高频地波雷达 检测性能 工作频率选择 high frequency surface wave radar detection performance operating frequency selection
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