为对惯性开关进行大于8 000 g的冲击检测,设计一种便携式冲击试验装置。根据弹性力学的赫兹理论,对该冲击试验装置进行了动力学分析,采用四阶龙格-库塔(Runge-Kutta)算法求解得到了结构参数与冲击特性的关系。采用Endevco2270标准传感器进行标定,标定结果满足设计要求,即该冲击试验装置可产生最大幅值约8 400 g,脉宽约110μs的冲击加速度信号,在同一高度测试的相对误差小于6%,具有良好的输出稳定性。该冲击试验装置体积小,质量轻,便于携带,维护简单,安全可靠,可用于小尺寸惯性器件冲击检测及抗冲击实验等。
A portable high-g impactor was designed to test inertial switches subjected to impact larger than 8000 g.Dynamic analysis of the impactor was carried out in the light of Hertz theory of elastic mechanics.Relationships between the structure parameters and the impact characteristics of the impactor were solved with the tetra-order Runge-Kutta algorithm.Calibration with Endevco 2270 shock accelerometer was performed to show the impactor can generate shock acceleration of maximal amplitude about 8400 g with impulse width about 110μs.The relative error is below 6% in the tests with the same height,which shows the output stability is fine.The impactor is small,light,portable and easy to maintenance.It can be used in impact test for inertial device of small size and in experiments of shock resistance.
Journal of Vibration and Shock