
Mn^(2+)在Mg_2SnO_4中的绿色长余辉发光性能研究 被引量:2

Study on long afterglow performance of Mn^(2+)-activated green-emitting Mg_2SnO_4 phosphor
摘要 利用高温固相法合成了Mg2SnO4:Mn2+绿色发射长余辉发光材料,对样品进行了X射线衍射分析、荧光光谱分析、色坐标、热释发光以及发光寿命测量。分析结果表明,在1250℃下烧结6 h的Mg2SnO4为单相产物,所得Mg2SnO4:Mn2+发光材料具有良好的发光性能,在270nm紫外线激发下发出最强发射位于498nm的宽带发射并具有优良的长余辉发光特性,其色坐标值分别为x=0.11,y=0.58。余辉发光在暗场环境下肉眼可观察的持续时间超过3 h。通过热释光谱对陷阱进行了分析。 The Mg2 SnO4 :Mn2+ , which emitted green color long-lasting phosphorescence upon UV light excitation, were prepared by the conventional high-temperature solid-state method and their luminescent properties were systematically investigated. XRD, photoluminescence, thermoluminescence spectra and afterglow decay curve were used to characterize the synthesized phosphor. This phosphor was well-crystallized by calcination at 1250℃ for 6h and possessed excellent performanee. After irradiation by 270-nm UV light, this phosphor emitted a broad band centered at 498 nm and showed obvious long-lasting phosphorescence.
出处 《化工新型材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期86-87,127,共3页 New Chemical Materials
基金 菏泽学院科学研究基金资助项目(XY06HX03)
关键词 余辉发光 热释光谱 锡酸镁 锰离子 绿光 afterglow, thermoluminescence, Mg2 SnO4, manganese ion, green-light emitting
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