The occurrence of rhythmic layering of chromite and host serpentinites in the deformed layered igneous complexes has been noticed in the Nuggihalli schist belt (NSB) in the western Dharwar craton, Karnataka, South India. For this study, the chromitite rock samples were collected from Jambur, Tagadur, Bhakatarhalli, Ranganbetta and Byrapur in the NSB. Petrography and ore microscopic studies on chromite show intense cataclasis and alteration to ferritchromite. The ferritchromite compositions are characterized by higher Cr number (Cr/[Cr+AI]) (0.68-0.98) and lower Mg number (Mg/[Mg+Fe]) (0.33-0.82) ratios in ferritchromite compared to that of parent chromite. The formation process for the ferritchromite is thought to be related to the exchange of Mg, AI, Cr, and Fe between the chromite, surrounding silicates (serpentines, chlorites), and fluid during serpentinization.
The occurrence of rhythmic layering of chromite and host serpentinites in the deformed layered igneous complexes has been noticed in the Nuggihalli schist belt (NSB) in the western Dharwar craton, Karnataka, South India. For this study, the chromitite rock samples were collected from Jambur, Tagadur, Bhakatarhalli, Ranganbetta and Byrapur in the NSB. Petrography and ore microscopic studies on chromite show intense cataclasis and alteration to ferritchromite. The ferritchromite compositions are characterized by higher Cr number (Cr/[Cr+AI]) (0.68-0.98) and lower Mg number (Mg/[Mg+Fe]) (0.33-0.82) ratios in ferritchromite compared to that of parent chromite. The formation process for the ferritchromite is thought to be related to the exchange of Mg, AI, Cr, and Fe between the chromite, surrounding silicates (serpentines, chlorites), and fluid during serpentinization.
project by PVSR(no.GAP 538-28[PVSR]),funded by the Department of Science and Technology,Government of India.