
钽铌湿法冶炼含氟废水的综合利用及其治理 被引量:6

Comprehensive utilization and treatment of fluorine-containing waste water arising from tantalum and niobium wet smelting
摘要 在钽铌湿法冶炼中会产生大量的高氟废水,主要有萃取残液、钽铌氢氧化物结晶母液和钽酸钾结晶母液等.对于萃取残液的处理,通过加氨及硫酸铝、氯化钠(硫酸钠)可回收氟化铵和硫酸铵,并制取冰晶石;采用结晶—升华分离法可从钽铌氢氧化物母液中回收NH4F及(NH4)2SO4;通过重结晶可从氟钽酸钾母液中回收其中的氢氟酸.经上述处理后,废水中80%以上的氟化物得到综合利用,余下的废水再经二步沉淀法集中处理,可使废水中含氟量低于10 mg/L,达到国家排放标准. Tantalum and niobium wet smelting produces a large amount of high-F waste water, mainly including extraction residual liquid, hydroxides crystallization liquor, and potassium tantalate crystallization liquor. Firstly, make cryolite by adding Al2(SO4)3 ,NaCl(Na2SO4) into the extraction residual liquid; then recover NH4F and (NH4)2SO4 from tantalum and niobium hydroxide containing mother liquid by crystallization-sublimation method; finally, recover HF from K2 TaFT containing mother liquid by recrystallization. The result shows that with the foresaid treatment for the tantalum and niobium wet smelting waste water, more than 80% of the fluoride inside has been comprehensively utilized. After the treatment of the left waste water by two-step precipitation method, the fluorine content in the waste water is less than 10 mg/L,meeting the national discharge standard.
出处 《材料研究与应用》 CAS 2011年第1期71-73,共3页 Materials Research and Application
关键词 钽铌湿法冶金 含氟废水 综合利用 回收 治理 tantalum and niobium wet smelting fluorine-containing waste water comprehensive utilization recyele treatment
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