

A Case History Report Print System of Television Laparoscopic Detection
摘要 电视腹腔镜病历打印系统能够提高医师的工作效率。本文中电视腹腔镜病历打印系统的设计过程包括病历报告的智能创建、预览以及打印功能。在Windows XP平台上,采用ACCESS数据库管理系统,利用Visual C++6.0基于MFC进行程序开发。结果显示出本文中设计的电视腹腔镜病历打印系统提供了丰富规范的典型病历打印界面,因为不需要医生直接输入文字进行病情描述,因此便于医生快捷编辑病历并生成报告,此病历打印系统还具有图文并茂的打印功能。 It was valuable to develop a case report print system of television laparoscopic detection because it could improve the doctors working efficiency greatly. In this paper, a case report print system for television laparoscopic test was designed, which included functions of intelligent creating of case report, print preview and print. Adopting ACCESS data-base managing system, we developed a programme software for a case history report print based MFC with Visual C++ 6.0 on the desktop of Windows XP. The case history printing system afforded a desktop with abundant normative typical cases. Doctors did not need inputting the description on patient's condition with words by hand , so that the system could compose the case report automatically and quickly, which also has had abundant words and figures printing function for doctors to write case report for patients.
出处 《北京生物医学工程》 2011年第2期195-199,共5页 Beijing Biomedical Engineering
基金 校级科研项目(KY09056)资助
关键词 电视腹腔镜 病历报告 打印系统 television laparoscopic case history report print system
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