
高铁大变形橡胶止挡非线性刚度特性曲线计算精度分析 被引量:4

Analysis on computation accuracy of nonlinear stiffness performance curve for large-deformation rubber stopper of high-speed train
摘要 针对某型高铁橡胶止挡的有限元静态刚度特性曲线与实验结果存在较大误差的问题,从实验与分析相结合的角度剖析发生偏差的原因,提出从实验方案、本构模型选择和接触定义等3方面进行优化分析的思路.分析与实验结果表明:实验条件符合准静态的假定、本构模型包含高应力、体积压缩效应,接触定义符合橡胶真实接触状态,这些措施可使分析结果更符合实际情况,为准确分析类似橡胶止挡的静态刚度特性曲线提供参考. As to the large error between the experiment results and the static stiffness performance curve obtained by finite element analysis for the rubber stopper of a high-speed train,the reason about the error is analyzed by combining experiment and analysis,and the idea of the optimization analysis is proposed from three aspects,including experiment scheme,constructive model selection and contact definition.The analysis and the experiment result indicate that some effective measures should be taken to ensure the compliance of analysis result with the actual conditions,i.e.,test condition should satisfy the quasi-static assumption,the constructive model should include the high-pressure and volume compression effect,and the contact definition should be consistent with the real contact state of rubber.The measures provide some references for the analysis of nonlinear stiffness performance curve of the similar rubber stopper.
出处 《计算机辅助工程》 2011年第1期132-135,共4页 Computer Aided Engineering
关键词 高铁 橡胶止挡 非线性刚度 计算精度 high-speed train rubber stopper nonlinear stiffness computation accuracy
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