
消防战勤保障物资储备点布局与选址问题研究 被引量:13

Study on the Layout and Selection of Material Reserve Sites for Logistic Guarantee in Fire Fighting
摘要 为科学规划消防应急救援物资储备点布局,进一步提高消防部队处置突发事件的能力,从当前我国消防战勤保障物资储备点的建设现状入手,研究了消防战勤保障物资的分类。在此基础上明确了物资储备点的布点原则和选址方法,建立了储备点选址的数学模型,并利用计算机进行求解,得到若干个备选地址;然后在综合考量各种影响因素的前提下,通过灾害发生区域相对集中的规律进行适当的调整,进而筛选出最佳选址。最后讨论了部局级应急装备物资储备库的布局现状及建议。结果表明:储备库的选址应在科学合理的物资储备点选址基础上,与部局、总队的应急装备物资储备库相互依托、互相补充,从而形成一套符合我国消防力量建设实际的消防战勤保障物资储备体系。 In order to effectively meet the needs of fire fighting and emergency rescue operations of the fire forces,and to further improve the fire forces' ability to fight disastrous fire,this paper makes a classification of the materials for logistic guarantee in fire fighting according to China's construction situation of material reserve sites for logistic guarantee in fire fighting.On this basis,the method and principle for selection and layout of material reserve sites are explained,the mathematical model for reserve site selection is established,and a number of alternative reserve sites are obtained by resolving the model with computer.And then through adjusting the relative concentration law of disaster area appropriately and comprehensively considering various factors,the best location is decided.Finally,the situation and recommend for the lay out of bureau-level emergency equipment material storage is discussed.The results show that the selection of material reserve sites should be based on the scientific and rational reserve points of materials and rely on the bureau and the Corps' emergency material storage facilities with each other,to form a set of material reserve system which is in line with the actual construction of the fire power of fire logistic guarantee.
出处 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期161-168,共8页 China Safety Science Journal
关键词 消防 战勤保障 储备库 选址 布点 fire fighting logistic guarantee reserve facilities site selection distribution
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