
以有机酸钾盐为可燃剂的气溶胶灭火剂试验 被引量:11

Experimental study on aerosol fire extinguishing agent with organic acid potassium as combustible material
摘要 用1 m3密闭试验箱进行灭火性能试验,采用半分法得出两种以有机酸钾盐为主要可燃剂的气溶胶灭火剂的配方,并对比其灭火时间。在热气溶胶灭火剂中添加碳酸钾作为热耗散剂,以降低反应速度,减小火焰外喷。用兰利法进行试验,得出了两种灭火剂的99%概率灭火效能,在70~75 g/m3之间。经测量,气溶胶灭火剂的燃烧产物是低毒的。气溶胶灭火剂在灭火时的不确定度很大,应以概率论的方法研究其灭火能力。 An airtight box with 1 m3 was used to test fire extinguishing performance;two kinds of aerosol fire extinguishing agents with organic acid potassium as combustible material were got by split-half method,and the fire-extinguishing time was compared.Potassium carbonate was added into aerosol fire extinguishing agents as heat dissipative agents to slow down the reaction and reduce the flame.Langlie method was used in experiments,the 99% application density of these two extinguishing agents were got,between 70~75 g/m3.At last,the toxicity of combustion product of these two aerosol fire extinguishing agents was tested to be low.The application of probability theory in the study of fire extinguishing performance of aerosol fire extinguishing agent is necessary because of the uncertainty of putting out fire by aerosol fire extinguishing agents.
作者 王鹏 李玉
出处 《消防科学与技术》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第5期404-408,共5页 Fire Science and Technology
基金 中国人民武装警察部队学院青年教师研究计划资助项目
关键词 气溶胶灭火剂 有机酸钾盐 兰利法 概率论 aerosol fire extinguishing agent organic acid potassium Langlie method probability theory
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