Chromatographic separation of Be(Ⅱ) from Mg(Ⅱ), Ca(Ⅱ), Sr(Ⅱ) and Ba(Ⅱ) using poly[dibenzo-18-crown-6] and L-arginine
Chromatographic separation of Be(Ⅱ) from Mg(Ⅱ), Ca(Ⅱ), Sr(Ⅱ) and Ba(Ⅱ) using poly[dibenzo-18-crown-6] and L-arginine
A simple and selective method for the separation of Be(Ⅱ) was developed using poly[dibenzo-18-crown-6] as a stationary phase in column chromatography. The study was carried out in L-arginine medium. 1.0-8.0 M HCl and CH3COOH, 0.5-8.0 M HBr, HClO4 and H2SO4, 0.2-1.0 M EDTA and 0.02-0.12 M ammonium oxalate were found to be an efficient eluents for Be(Ⅱ). The capacity of polymer was 0.554-0.01 mmol/g of crown polymer. The tolerance limit of various cations and anions were reported. Be(Ⅱ) was quantitatively separated from Mg(Ⅱ), Ca(Ⅱ), Sr(Ⅱ) and Ba(Ⅱ). The selective separation of Be(Ⅱ) was possible from multicomponent mixtures. The method was extended to determine Be(Ⅱ) from geological samples. Method was simple, rapid and selective having good reproducibility (approximately4-2%).
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