A new unified approach to short term load forecasting is proposed w hich is capable of dealing w ith m ost of thefactors correlated w ith pow er system load. This approach can consider notonly w eather w hich has been studied thoroughly insom e previous literatures⒙but also som e classification indexes such as w eekday/w eekend⒙w orkday/holiday⒙etc. An index m apping database is designed to show the different m apping functions for various factors. According to the basic principles ofpattern recognition⒙cluster analysis technique is used to describe the difference betw een the future day and past days. As itsapplication⒙a new short term load forecasting m ethod nam ed factor m atching m ethod is put forw ard. Case study show s thatm ore accurate forecasting results can be got by the proposed m ethod.
Automation of Electric Power Systems