
GH864合金涡轮盘锻造过程中微观组织的数值模拟 被引量:1

Numerical simulation of microstructure evolution during GH864 alloy disc forging
摘要 为了预测GH864合金Φ1250 mm涡轮盘锻造过程中微观组织的演变规律,将微观组织模型加入到模拟软件MSC Super-form中,实现了高温合金塑性变形-传热-微观组织演变的耦合。研究了不同变形工艺参数对涡轮盘组织分布的影响,包括初始变形温度、变形速率、模具预热温度、摩擦系数及保温措施等的影响。结果表明:实际Φ1250 mm涡轮盘试样环的组织分布情况与模拟结果相一致;对锻件添加包套、适当提高模具预热温度、使用具有良好润滑作用的润滑剂、适当提高变形速率均可使晶粒组织更加均匀细小。 In order to predict the evolution of microstructure in GH864 superalloy for Φ1250 mm deformation disc,numerical simulation for the microstructure evolution of GH864 alloy disc was implemented by MSC.Super-form software,then the coupling between thermo-mechanical and microstructure evolution was realized.Meanwhile,the method was used to predict the influence of various deformation parameters,such as initial deformation temperature,strain rate,mould preheating temperature,frication coefficient and insulation measures and so on.The results show that the numerical simulation results are consistent with the actual results whose microstructures are researched from Φ1250 mm sample ring.The microstructures could be optimized by adding insulation measures of forgings,increasing mould preheating temperature,using good lubrication lubricant and increasing deformation rate.
出处 《锻压技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期1-7,共7页 Forging & Stamping Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51071017)
关键词 GH864高温合金 锻造 微观组织演变 数值模拟 变形参数 GH864 superalloy forging microstructure evolution numerical simulation deformation parameters
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