
滑翔增程弹制导与控制系统设计 被引量:9

Guidance and Control System Design for Gliding Extended Range Projectile
摘要 为控制滑翔增程弹精确跟踪方案弹道及提高落点精度,设计了制导控制系统。基于高度控制原理,设计了鲁棒变结构控制器,实现弹体对方案弹道的精确跟踪;为提高落点精度,在炮弹跟踪方案弹道靠近目标点的时候,采用比例寻的导引律来引导炮弹向落点逼近。根据力矩平衡假设和重力作用,将过载指令转换为舵面偏角指令,设计了开环自动驾驶仪,并采用相位超前角来降低舵系统跟踪误差。六自由度仿真表明,所设计的制导控制方案能够引导制导炮弹跟踪方案弹道,且终端落点误差小于1 m,满足制导控制系统要求。 To make the gliding extended range projectile track the scheme trajectory and meet the fall point accuracy,the guidance and control system is designed.The robust variable structure controller based on the altitude control is designed to make the projectile track the scheme trajectory accurately.To enhance the attack precision,the proportional guidance law is used to make the projectile attack the aim precisely when the projectile flies near the aim place.According to the assumption of moment balance and the effect of weight,the overload is changed to the deflectable angular command of control surface and the open loop autopilot is designed.The phase lead angle is added to the actuator command to decrease the tracking error of the actuator.The six degrees of freedom simulation shows that the guidance and control system can make the projectile track the scheme trajectory precisely and the errors of fall point less than 1 m.The method presented here meets the need of the guidance and control system.
出处 《南京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期304-308,共5页 Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology
关键词 滑翔增程弹 制导 控制 方案弹道 gliding extended range projectiles guidance control scheme trajectory
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