
PTP技术分析与应用 被引量:1

Research and Application of Precision Time Protocol
摘要 在通信系统全网IP化的大背景下,分组网络作为统一承载网将面临新的同步需求问题。传统的同步技术精度较低,无法满足新应用对高精度同步的需求。IEEE 1588标准精密时间同步协议(PTP)的提出,成为一种有效解决高精度同步问题的方案。首先分析了PTP技术的同步原理,接着通过综合比较当今几种常用的同步技术的特点得出PTP技术的优势,最后提出了应用方案,并分析了实施过程和部署灵活性。PTP技术可方便灵活地应用于分组网络中,同步精度可达亚微秒级,将成为GPS的有效替代。 Based on "ALL IP" network background in communication system, the packet network as a unified bearer network will face new problems of synchronization need. The traditional synchronization technology has low accuracy, and it can not meet the demand for high-precision synchronization by new applications. IEEE 1588 Standard (Precision Time Protocol) becomes an effective solution to the problem of high-precision synchronization. Firstly, the principle of PTP is analyzed, then the advantages of PTP are obtained by comparing several commonly synchronization technique. Finally, the application program is proposed, and the implementation and deployment are analyzed flexibility. PTP can be applied in a packet network easily and flexibly with submicrosecond-level synchronization accuracy, and will become an effective alternative to GPS.
作者 程翰林
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2011年第13期56-59,共4页 Video Engineering
关键词 PTP IEEEE 1588 时间同步 分组网络 precision time protocol IEEE 1588 clock synchronizing packet network
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