
基于ANP的装备研制项目承包商综合能力评估模型 被引量:1

Model of Contractor Synthesis Capability Evaluation of Equipment R & D Based on ANP
摘要 装备研制项目承包商综合能力评估是一个具有网络性的、多指标的复合体系,难以用常规的方法进行有效的评估。应用网络分析法(analytic net-work process,ANP),考虑指标项间的相互关系,构造了包括元素以及元素组之间关系的超矩阵,建立了承包商综合能力评估模型,并通过实例进行了验证。 The evaluation of equipment research project is a compound system with network and multi-index,so it is difficult to evaluate effectively by common methods.Using the theory of analytic network process(ANP),considering the interrelations of indices,super matrix is constructed induding elements and their interrelations.The evaluation model of contractor synthesis capability is established,whose validity is indicated by an example.
出处 《装备指挥技术学院学报》 2011年第3期16-19,共4页 Journal of the Academy of Equipment Command & Technology
关键词 装备研制项目 承包商综合能力 网络分析法 equipment research project contractor synthesis capability analytic network process(ANP)
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