
邵阳县石漠化治理区湿地松人工幼林碳贮量及分布格局 被引量:8

Study on carbon storage and distribution patterns of Pinus elliottii stand in rocky desertification area in Shaoyang county,Hunan province
摘要 采用野外标准地调查与室内重铬酸钾-水合加热法相结合,测定了邵阳县石漠化治理工程中3种不同石漠化程度(轻度,中度,重度)的湿地松人工幼林的碳含量、碳贮量及其空间分布。结果表明:石漠化治理工程中,湿地松人工林生态系统碳库的空间分布序列均为土壤层〉乔木层〉林下植被层〉凋落物层,碳库总量范围为20.018~41.284t/hm^2,平均值为29.563t/hm^2;随着石漠化程度的加大,林分密度减小,碳贮量也减小,并差异显著;轻度、中度、重度石漠化治理人工林中,土壤碳贮量分别为26.109、19.165、14.282t/hm^2,乔木层碳贮量分别为13.800、4.817、2.319t/hm^2,均随石漠化程度的加大而减小;轻度、中度石漠化土地中的林分乔木层各组分碳贮量排序均为树干〉树叶〉树根〉树枝,重度石漠化为树叶〉树干〉树根〉树枝;林下植被和凋落物层中则以轻度石漠化治理人工林中的碳贮量最小,平均分别为2.030、0.703t/hm^2。 Carbon content and carbon storage and distribution pattern in different rocky desertification degree (mild, moderate, and severe) Pinus elliottii artificially young forests in Shaoyang county were investigated in field sample plot with the method of indoor potessium dichromate potassium-hydration heat. And the results show that: in the rocky desertification control engineering, the spatial distribution of carbon stock of Pinus elliottii plantation ecology system were: soil layer〉the tree layer〉the undergrowth layer〉litter layer. Carbon stock total range was 20. 018- 41. 284 t/hm^2, and the average value was 29. 563 t/hm^2. With the increasing of rocky desertifieation degree and the decreasing of stand density, carbon ossus point also reduced, and the differences were significant. Soil carbon ossus point were 26. 109 t/hm^2 , 19. 165 t/hm^2, 14. 282 t/hm^2 respectively. The tree layer carbon ossus point were 4. 817 t/hm^2, 13. 800 t/hm^2, 2. 319 t/hm^2, respectively. And more serious the rocky desertification was, the carbon stock was more smaller. The order of each component carbon storage in mild and moderate was trunk〉tree leaves〉root〉branch, in severe was tree leaves〉trunk〉roots〉branches, while, the carbon stock of undergrowth and litter layer were the smallest in the mild rocky desertification, their average values 2. 030 t/hm^2 ,0. 703 t/hm^2 respectively.
出处 《中南林业科技大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期91-96,共6页 Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology
基金 国家林业局948项目(2010-4-03) 国家林业局石漠化定位监测项目(20101012 20110512) 中南林业科技大学引进高层次人才科研启动基金项目(104-0081)
关键词 邵阳县 石漠化 湿地松 植被恢复 碳贮量 Shaoyang county rocky desertification Pinuselliottii vegetation restoration carbon storage
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