
客车乘客座椅布置对乘员损伤影响的试验研究 被引量:5

Research on Influence of Bus /Coach Passenger Seat Layout to Occupant Injury
摘要 基于ADR68/00法规的座椅动态试验方法,针对某款客车相邻两排乘客座椅,制定三种相对布置的动态试验方案,研究乘客座椅布置对乘员损伤的影响。结果表明,与相邻两排座椅布置状态一致相比,相邻两排座椅如存在横向偏移、高度差则将增大乘员头部和胸部的伤害风险;高度差将降低乘员腿部伤害风险,横向偏移将增大腿部的伤害风险。 Based on the seat dynamic test methods of ADR68/00 regulation, the dynamic test programs are esta- blished for a bus / coach adjacent passenger seats responding to the three relative position layout, and the influence on the occupants injury is researched. The results show that compared to the same arrangement of adjacent two rows seats, the adjacents two rows seats with a lateral deviation or a height deviation increases a risk to the head and chest injuries of occupants, height deviation reduces the risk of occupants leg injury, and lateral deviation increases the risk of leg injury.
出处 《客车技术与研究》 2011年第4期49-52,共4页 Bus & Coach Technology and Research
基金 重庆质检局科研项目(2010-KY-05) 交通运输部西部交通建设科技项目(2009318000043)
关键词 客车 座椅强度 动态试验 乘员损伤 bus / coach seat strength dynamic testing occupant injury
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