目的了解临武县肺结核疫情动态,为制定防治措施提供科学依据。方法根据《全国第五次结核病流行病学抽样调查实施细则》,于2010年6月在临武县梓木山村流调点开展结核病流行病学调查。结果共抽取研究对象2 362人,应检人口1 543人,实检人口1 473人,受检率达95.46%;摄胸片1 456人,痰涂片检查67人,同时均进行痰培养;结核病防治知识知晓率调查表明青壮年组、中老年组5题回答全对的正确率分别为76.88%和69.00%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=10.70,P<0.05),男、女5题回答全对的正确率分别为72.33%和76.09%,差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.72,P>0.05);共发现活动性肺结核9例,其中已知在治疗者1例(涂阴),新发8例,新发病人中2例菌阳(涂阳1例、痰涂片阴性但痰培养阳性1例),6例涂阴;活动性肺结核患病率为611.00/10万,菌阳患病率为135.78/10万,涂阳患病率为67.89/10万。结论临武县肺结核疫情十分严重,应加强健康教育,落实结核病归口管理规定,严格实施直接督导下短程化疗(directly observed treatment short-course,DOTS)策略。
Objective To investigate the epidemiological trend of pulmonary tuberculosis in Linwu County, so as to provide the scientific basis for making proper measures to prevent and control tuberculosis. Methods According to Implementing Regulation of the Fifth National Epidemiological Sampling Survey of Tuberculosis, sampling survey of tuberculosis was carried out at sampling point Zimushan Village of Linwu County in June, 2010. Results Sampling population was 2 362 in this survey, and 1 543 persons should be examined, however, 1 473 persons were examined actually. The examination rate was 95.46%. 1 456 persons had chest X-ray films, and 67 persons had sputum smears, at the same time, their sputum were cultured. Investigation of the awareness rate of tuberculosis showed that the correct rate of all five topics in young-middle age group and middle-old age group was 76.88 % and 69.00 % respectively, and the difference was statistically significant (X2 = 10.70,P〈0.05). The correct rate of all five topics in male and female was 72.33% and 76.09 % respectively, but the difference was not statistically significant (X2 = 2.72, P 〉 0.05). Total 9 cases with active pulmonary tuberculosis were found, including 1 known case (smear negative) who was being treated, and 8 new cases. Of all new cases, 2 cases were bacteriological positive ( 1 case was smear positive, 1 case was smear negative but culture positive), and 6 cases were smear negative. The prevalence of active pulmonary tuberculosis, bacteriological positive pulmonary tuberculosis, and smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis was 611.00/100 000, 135.78/100 000 and 67.89/ 100 000 respectively. Conelusions The prevalence of active pulmonary tuberculosis was very high in Linwu County. It is important to promote health education, to strengthen convergence case-management of tuberculosis, and to implement modern tuberculosis control strategy (DOTS Strategy) strictly.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention
Sampling studies