
1~3周龄雌性肉仔鸡精氨酸需要量 被引量:22

Arginine Requirement for Female Broiler Chicks Aged from 1 to 3 Weeks
摘要 本试验旨在研究饲粮中精氨酸水平对1~3周龄雌性爱拔益加(AA)肉仔鸡的影响,并运用二次曲线模型进行需要量估计。试验选用540只1日龄雌性AA肉仔鸡,随机分成6组,每组5个重复,每个重复18只鸡。6个组饲粮精氨酸水平分别为1.000%、1.125%、1.250%、1.375%、1.500%和1.625%。结果表明:精氨酸水平极显著影响1~3周肉仔鸡的体重(P=0.000)和平均日增重(P=0.000),显著影响血清中胰岛素(P=0.030)和尿酸(P=0.023)的水平,显著影响脂多糖(LPS)刺激的淋巴细胞增殖转化率(P=0.050);随着饲粮精氨酸水平的提高,单核细胞吞噬率有增加的趋势(P=0.063,PL=0.009),隐窝深度有线性降低的趋势(PL=0.075),绒毛高度/隐窝深度值有线性增加的趋势(PL=0.075);胸肌率随饲粮精氨酸水平的提高呈现二次增长趋势(P=0.026,PQ=0.005),胸肌内脂肪水平随饲粮精氨酸水平的提高现线性降低(PL=0.008;PL=0.008)。二次曲线分析表明,当饲粮表观代谢能为12.34MJ/kg、蛋白质为20.50%、赖氨酸为1.10%时,以平均日增重为评价指标,1~3周龄雌性AA肉仔鸡精氨酸最佳需要量为1.38%;以胰岛素水平和胸肌率为评价指标,精氨酸最佳需要量分别为1.39%和1.35%。 This experiment was conducted to study the effects of dietary arginine levels on female AA broilers aged from 1 to 3 weeks and to estimate the arginine requirement using a quadratic curve model.Five hundred and forty 1-day-old female AA broiler chicks were randomly divided into 6 groups,and each group had 5 replicates of 18 chicks each.Six groups were fed diets supplemented with arginine at the level of 1.000%,1.125%,1.250%,1.375%,1.500% and 1.625%,respectively.The results showed that the levels of dietary arginine significantly affected the body weight(P=0.000) and the average daily gain(P=0.000) of female broilers,the levels of insulin(P=0.030) and uric acid(P=0.023) in the serum,and lymphocyte proliferation and transformation rate stimulated by LPS(P=0.050).With the increasing of dietary arginine level,it tended to improve the monocyte phagocytic rate(P=0.063,PL=0.009),reduce the depth of crypt(PL=0.075),and increase the ratio of villus height to crypt depth of jejunum(PL=0.075).The breast muscle ratio showed positive quadratic responses to the increasing of dietary arginine level(P=0.026,PQ=0.005).The fat in the breast muscle showed positive linear responses to the increasing of dietary arginine level(PL=0.008;PL=0.008).Based on the average daily gain,the insulin level and the breast muscle ratio of female broiler chicks,the optimal level of arginine is 1.38%,1.39% and 1.35% for 1 to 3 weeks chicks,respectively,when the levels of protein,lysine and AME are set at 20.50%,1.10% and 12.34 MJ/kg in diets.
出处 《动物营养学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期571-577,共7页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANIMAL NUTRITION
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项-畜禽营养价值与饲料标准研究项目资助
关键词 雌性AA肉仔鸡 精氨酸 需要量 female AA broiler chicks arginine requirement
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