
第二语言习得发展研究中语料分析方法的适用条件——以韩国学生汉语主谓谓语句习得为例 被引量:2

A Study on Applicable Condition about Corpus Analysis Methods in Developmental Research of SLA:Taking the Acquisition of Chinese Double-Subject Sentence by Korean Students as an Example
摘要 目前的第二语言习得发展研究在方法上存在着多样性。本文以韩国学生的汉语主谓谓语句习得为材料,讨论了利用语料分析法进行第二语言习得发展研究中3个关键环节的分析方法:1)不同分析指标的比较;2)不同排列方法的比较;3)不同性质语料的比较。研究结果认为:选择研究方法时要注意各种方法的适用条件;在研究中,要有明确的第二语言习得理论作为基础;要选择恰当的统计分析方法;对语料应进行多角度的分析。 There exists the diversity of methods in the developmental research of SLA. Taking the acquisition of Chinese Double - Subject sentence by Korean students as an example, the paper discusses three important issues in the study of developmental sequence of SLA through the corpus analysis : 1 ) the comparison of different analyzing indexes; 2) the comparison of different ordering methods; 3) the comparison of different materials. The paper makes some methodological suggestions for the research on acquisition of Chinese as a second language : each method has its specific applying conditions, so the research of SLA should be based on an explicit theory with appropriate statistical analysis methods and the corpus should be analyzed from various perspectives .
作者 冯丽萍 肖青
出处 《华文教学与研究》 CSSCI 2011年第3期51-57,共7页 TCSOL Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"汉语特殊句法的认知与习得研究"(10YJA740023) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目"汉语作为第二语言的词法 句法认知与习得研究"(2009AB-14)
关键词 第二语言习得 习得发展序列 研究方法 the second language acquisition (SLA) developmental sequence of SLA research methodology
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