
羊膜腔灌注术治疗孕中期病理性妊娠羊水过少15例 被引量:4

Amniotic cavity perfusion treatment 15 cases in medium pregnant with pathology factor
摘要 目的探讨羊膜腔灌注术治疗妊娠中期羊水过少的效果。方法对15例孕24~27周合并慢性疾病的羊水过少患者通过羊膜腔灌注术处理,观察孕周的延长、胎儿娩出后的存活率等妊娠结局,并与对照组比较。结果观察组中10例有效,其中3例孕周延长达35周,3例达32周终止,均行剖宫产终止妊娠,6例早产儿均存活;4例分别延长至29周、29^(+5)周、30^(+2)周和30^(+3)周,其中1例胎儿出生后存活,随访至1岁无异常,其余3例出生后死亡,未发现畸形等;5例无效,分别发生自然流产和死胎;对照组14例中有10例达孕周25~27周间胎死宫内或自然流产,2例于妊娠30周分娩,胎儿出生后死亡,2例于孕32周后分娩,胎儿正常。两组妊娠结局相比,经羊膜腔灌注处理后孕周延长、胎儿活产数明显优于未处理者。结论羊膜腔灌注治疗羊水过少对治疗妊娠中期羊水过少而无胎儿畸形者是一个有效的方法 。 Objective To investigate the treatment effect of amniotic cavity in oligohydramnios,of medium gestation. Methods 15 cases of pregnancy with oligohydramnios in 24 - 27 weeks with pathology factor, through amniotic cavity perfusion operation treatment, observed prolonged time of gestational weeks,live rate after fetal childbirth and pregnancy outcomes etal. Compared with controls. Results There were 3 cases of pregnancy prolong to the 35 weeks,3 cases to 32 weeks in 10 cases of effeetiv of observation group, termination of gestation with eesarean section in 6 eases, premature were alive,4 cases were extended to 29 weeks,29 + 5,30 + 2,30 + 3weeks,3 cases died and 1 case was survive after birth, and healthy fallow - up to the aged 1, all neonatal unfound malformations, other 5 cases were no effect with natural abortion and stillbirth, there were 10 cases fetal die or spontaneous abortion,with olignhydramnios of gestational age of 25 -27 weeks in 14 cases of,2 cases in 30 weeks pregnancy and neonatal died in childbirth ,2 cases childbirth at after 32 weeks and neonatal was normal. There were better pregnancy outcome in group compared with control group, prolonged gestationa week and fetal live -birth rate were better than no amniotic cavity perfusion. Conclusion Amniotic cavity perfusion was an effective method therapy oligohydramnios of medium gestation without fetus malformation.
出处 《中国医学创新》 CAS 2011年第30期105-106,共2页 Medical Innovation of China
关键词 羊膜腔灌注术 中期妊娠 病理妊娠 羊水过少 Amniotic cavity perfusion Medium pregnant Pathology factor Oligohydramnio
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