
一种滑翔增程弹非线性模型预测控制方法 被引量:1

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Method for Glide Range-extended Projectile
摘要 为实现对某滑翔增程弹滑翔弹道的跟踪控制,以达到增程的目的,采用具有解析形式控制律的非线性模型预测控制方法设计其控制系统。将滑翔增程炮弹控制系统分为质心控制和姿态控制2个回路设计,通过质心控制回路将方案质心位置指令转换成弹道倾角和弹道偏角指令;再由姿态控制回路转换成升降舵偏角和方向舵偏角指令;倾斜稳定控制器将滚转角指令转换成副翼偏角指令。以某滑翔增程弹为例进行仿真计算,结果表明,该控制器具有很好的控制效果,能够克服干扰因素的影响,实现滑翔增程的目的。 In order to control the tracking of the glide trajectory of a glide range-extended projectile,a control system is designed using the nonlinear model predictive control(NMPC)method with analytical control law.The control system of the glide range-extended projectile is divided into guidance system and attitude control system.The guidance system converts the position commands into trajectory inclination angle and trajectory deflection angle commands.The attitude control system including a rolling stabilizing controller converts trajectory inclination angle,trajectory deflection angle and roll angle commands into fin commands.The numerical simulation of a glide range-extended projectile is given.The results indicate that the control system has good performance and can overcome the effect of disturbances.The range of the glide range-extended projectile can be extended with the control system.
出处 《南京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期604-609,共6页 Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology
关键词 滑翔增程弹 非线性模型 预测控制 姿态控制器 仿真 glide range-extended projectiles nonlinear models predictive control attitude control systems simulation
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