
求解滑翔增程弹较优舵偏角方法 被引量:4

The Calculating Method on a Suitable Angle of Lift-Canards of Gliding Extended Range Projectile
摘要 文中阐述了滑翔增程弹的飞行过程,建立了滑翔弹在纵向平面内的弹道模型,分别采用序列二次规划法和最大升阻比法.对俯仰舵面的较佳控制过程进行了分析,仿真计算表明,序列二次规划法优化得到的俯仰舵偏角规律较优,适用于滑翔增程弹求解俯仰舵偏角的后期优化工作;最大升阻比法所求得的俯仰舵偏角规律较差,但其方法及求解过程简单,适用于滑翔增程弹前期的论证工作。 The flight process of gliding extended range projectile is explained.The ballistic model in the vertical plane is established.The suitable control process of the lift-canards is analyzed by using respectively the sequence quadric pro- gramming and the maximal ratio between lift force and resistance.The result shows that the rules of the lift-canards, calculated by the sequence quadric programming,are better.The method is suitable to the latter optimum work of the rotating angle of lift-canards.The rules of the lift-canards,calculated by the maximal ratio between lift force and resist- ance,are worse.But the calculating process of the method is simple.It is suitable to the early demonstrability work of the gliding extended range projectile.
出处 《弹箭与制导学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第SC期717-719,共3页 Journal of Projectiles,Rockets,Missiles and Guidance
关键词 滑翔增程弹 序列二次规划法 最大升阻比法 gliding extended range projectile the sequence quadric programming the maximal ratio between lift force and resistance
分类号 E919 [军事]
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  • 1Mark F C.Range extension and accuracy improvement of an advanced projectile using canard contro1.AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference.Maryland,USA,1995.





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