With the social and economic development of our country, education at college level is changing rapidly.The popularity of modern information technology education is a hot subject. In recent years, the infusion ofmultimedia into teaching and learning has altered considerably the instructional strategy in our educationalinstitutions and changed the way teachers teach and students learn. The traditional teacher-centric method ofteaching used for decades in our educational system has been modified and enhanced. Currently, moderneducation theory is moving from the traditional recall of facts, principles, or correct procedures into the areasof creative thinking, problem solving, analysis and evaluation. These are skills which are very much needed intoday's knowledge based economy. This shift in focus on learning has presented our educators with seriouschallenges as well as opportunities in restructuring their curriculum to meet the rising demands of theknowledge based society, which is currently being initiated by the Ministry of Education of China.In this paper, we focus on designing a course which is oriented towards a constructivist based paradigm byusing multimedia as an instructional tool, and where students are active learners, involved in constructing theirown knowledge in the learning process and determining how to reach their own learning outcomes. A surveywas carried out to ascertain the reactions of students enrolled in an interactive multimedia course in WenzhouUniversity, Zhejiang province towards this constructivist based learning mode. The results indicated that thesestudents reacted positively towards this study mode and improved their interpersonal and collaborative learningskills.