
自然周期与促排卵周期供精人工授精妊娠结局的比较 被引量:25

Comparison of Pregnancy Outcomes between Natural Cycle and Stimulation Cycle in Artificial Insemination with Donor Spermatozoa
摘要 目的:探讨供精人工授精(AID)应用自然周期的妊娠结局。方法:回顾性分析1 100个AID周期的临床资料,其中自然周期736个,促排卵周期364个,比较两者的妊娠率和早期流产率及多胎率。结果:①自然周期妊娠率为24.45%(180/736),与促排卵周期妊娠率为23.9%(87/364),两者比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);②自然周期早期流产率为9.4%(17/180),而促排卵周期早期流产率为19.54%(17/87),显著高于自然周期,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);③促排卵周期多胎率为13.8%(12/87)。结论:促排卵周期与自然周期供精人工授精的妊娠率相当,但其早期流产率和多胎率较自然周期明显升高。 Objective: To explore the pregnancy outcomes between natural cycles(NC) and control ovarian stmiulation(COH) in artificial insemination with donor spermatozoa(AID).Methods: The pregnancy outcomes of 736 nature cycles and 364 COH cycles were retrospectively analyzed.The clinical pregnancy rate,abortion rate and multiple pregnancy rate were compared between them.Results: The clinical pregnancy rate was 24.5%(180/736) in NC and 23.9%(87/364) in COH cycles.There was no statistic significant difference in pregnancy rate between them(P0.05).The abortion rate was 9.4%(17/180) in NC which was lower than that in COH(P0.05).The multiple pregnancy rate was 13.8%(12/87) in COH group and 0 in NC group(P0.05).Conclusion: There is no significant difference in clinical pregnancy rate between COH and NC in AID,but there is higher abortion rate and multiple pregnancy rate in COH group than in NC group.So natural cycle is more safety than control ovarian stmiulation in AID.
出处 《生殖与避孕》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期776-779,共4页 Reproduction and Contraception
关键词 供精人工授精(AID) 自然周期 促排卵周期 周期妊娠率 流产率 artificial insemination with donor spermatozoa(AID) natural cycle(NC) control ovarian stmiulation cycle clinical pregnancy rate abortion rate
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