

Ending of Drama Dong Meiqing
摘要 《董梅卿》是一出为纪念辛亥革命而新编的历史剧,它塑造了寒江舟作为一个反清志士的英雄形象。剧末,辛亥革命成功了,女主人公董梅卿幻想着与革命烈士寒江舟成婚,而此时的寒江舟却还拖着大清王朝的大辫子。本文从浪漫主义的内涵与历史发展观出发,认为这条辫子的出现,在艺术上是一个败笔,在政治上是一个失误。 Dong Meiqing is a new historical play specially created to commemorate the 1911 Revolution, which portrays a hero named Han Jiangzhou as an anti -Qing patriot. At the end of the play, the 1911 Revolution succeeds. The heroine Dong Meiqing imagines that she gets married with the revolutionary martyr Han Jiangzhou, who still wears the long braid popular in the Qing Dyr/asty. This paper, from the perspectives of romantic connotations and historical outlook on development, believes that the appearance of the Dig braid is not only a failure in art, but also an error in politics.
作者 黄昌年
机构地区 宁波工程学院
出处 《宁波工程学院学报》 2011年第4期4-6,共3页 Journal of Ningbo University of Technology
关键词 《董梅卿》 结尾 失误 Dong Meiqing, ending, error
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