
助推-滑翔增程弹弹道优化 被引量:5

Trajectory Optimization for Boost Glide Range-extended Projectile
摘要 研究在给定射程条件下的火箭助推滑翔增程弹最短飞行时间弹道优化问题,为提高作战效能,提出建立纵向平面内弹道优化模型。最短时间弹道优化模型以射角、助推火箭点火时刻、滑翔攻角为优化变量,并考虑了优化变量的约束。以射程为自变量而不再以时间为自变量,以便采用序列二次规划法作为其优化算法。以某型火箭助推滑翔增程弹为对象进行数值仿真,结果表明,优化的滑翔攻角曲线平滑,滑翔弹道平直。在给定射程条件下最短飞行时间可作为实际作战中的方案弹道,实现对地面固定目标的快速打击,为弹道优化提供了依据。 In order to study the problem of minimum flight time trajectory optimization for glide range-extended projectile with boost-rocket,on conditions of fixed range,a trajectory optimization model was established.The trajectory optimization model was presented by taking firing angle,boost-rocket ignition time and gliding angle-of-attack as optimal variables.The constraints of the optimal variables were considered.The range was self-variation and the time was not self-variation anymore for expediently using sequential quadratic programming algorithm to solve the optimization problem.Taking someone glide range-extended projectile with boost-rocket as the study object,the numerical simulations were carried out.And the results show that the gliding angel-of-attack curve is smooth and the gliding trajectory looks like a straight line.The minimum flight time trajectory with fixed range can be used as the conception trajectory to strike the ground stationary targets rapidly.
作者 修观 王良明
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期14-16,218,共4页 Computer Simulation
关键词 滑翔增程弹 弹道优化 最短飞行时间弹道 序列二次规划 数值仿真 Glide range-extended projectile Trajectory optimization Minimum flight time trajectory Sequential quadratic programming Numerical simulation
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