
基于四元数的船舶运动姿态仿真研究 被引量:7

Simulation Research of Ship Motion Gestures Based on Quaternion
摘要 在开发船舶三维运动仿真系统或处理三维运动试验数据时,经常需要操纵物体旋转或对运动姿态数据进行插值计算,如果采用基于欧拉角方法对运动物体进行旋转操纵或插值,会出现明显的错误。因此提出在仿真系统中利用四元数来表示运动物体的姿态,并基于四元数对运动姿态序列进行球面插值,同时提出了依据插值节点信息实现?π全角度的欧拉角转换方法,由此在船舶仿真中实现了船舶姿态变化光滑连续的合理效果。 In developing the 3-dimension motion simulation system of a ship or handling its test data of 3-dimension movement, the manipulation of objects rotation or the interpolation calculation for the motion gestures data is often needed and obvious errors would be occurred if it is based on Euler angle representation. Therefore the quaternion method is applied to expressing motion gestures and spherical interpolation of the motion sequences, and an approach is also proposed to achieve the Euler angle conversion of all angle from - x to + rt based on the information of interpolation nodes. A reasonable effect that the ship motion gestures change smoothly and continuously is realized in the ship simulation.
作者 谢荣 鲁海燕
出处 《中国造船》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期147-152,共6页 Shipbuilding of China
关键词 船舶、舰船工程 仿真 四元数 三维旋转 球面线性 插值 ship engineering simulation quaternion 3-dimension rotation spherical linear interpolation
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