
农民专业合作社信用体系建设研究 被引量:6

Study on Credibility System of Peasants'Specialized Co-operatives
摘要 农民专业合作社信用体系建设是我国农村信用体系建设的重要组成部分,完善的农民专业合作社信用体系是农民专业合作社生存和发展的制度保障。探讨农民专业合作社信用体系建设的意义、存在的难点、建设内容及如何建设,针对农民专业合作社信用评价指标、评价方式、信息征集机制、成果转化运用等进行研究,可以为农民专业合作社信用体系建设提供参考。 The construction of credibility system of peasants' specialized co - operatives is a key component of rural credibility system construction in China. A perfect peasants' specialized co - operatives credibility system is an insti- tutional protection for the existence and development of peasants' specialized co - operatives. This paper discusses the significance, difficulties, substance and methods in the construction process of credibility system of peasants' specialized co -operatives, researching especially on the credit evaluation indicators, evaluation modes, information collection mechanisms and result utilization, which provides usable reference for the credibility system development.
出处 《征信》 北大核心 2011年第6期61-64,共4页 Credit Reference
关键词 农民专业合作社 信用体系建设 研究 peasants' specialized co -operatives credibility system development study
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