
半潜式平台结构抗撞性能研究 被引量:8

Structural anti-collision capability of a semi-submersible platform
摘要 在分析显示非线性有限元基本理论和碰撞仿真关键技术的基础上,研究了半潜式平台在遭遇船舶正向撞击时的抗撞特性及其影响因素。模拟了整船与半潜式平台的碰撞,船首结构及半潜式平台立柱结构模拟为弹塑性材料,并考虑船舶与半潜式平台运动惯性的影响,定义了三种不同的碰撞场景,撞击船分别沿纵向、横向和斜向撞击平台立柱,获取了碰撞力-撞深曲线、各构件能量吸收和结构损伤变形等。重点讨论了半潜式平台立柱在不同撞击位置条件下的撞击特性,分析了影响结构碰撞性能的因素,包括结构特性和撞击位置,提出了改善半潜式平台抗撞性能的一些建议。 Based on the nonlinear explicit finite element analysis and numerical collision simulation, the anticollision characteristics of a semi-submersible platform (in brief, semi ) struck by a ship were investigated. The finite element model includes the semi and the vessel integratedly, and the ship bow and the semi's column were simulated as elastic-plastic structures, taking account of the inertia effects of the striking vessel and the semi. Three heads on collision scenarios were defined, where the vessel hits the semi column in the longitudinal, transversal and oblique directions. The curves of collision force vs. penetration depth, the energy absorption of each structure component and the structural damage deformation were obtained. The anti-collision characteristics of the semi's column in the scenarios with different striking locations were discussed, influential factors on the structural collision capability, including structural characteristics and striking location, were analyzed, and some suggestions with respect to improving the anti-collision capability of semi were proposed.
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期38-43,共6页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家重大专项课题(2008ZX05026-006) 中海油-上海交大深水工程技术研究中心课题
关键词 船舶与海洋平台碰撞 数值仿真 非线性有限元 碰撞力 结构变形能 ship-platform collision numerical simulation nonlinear finite element collision force structural deformation energy
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