
非晶铟镓锌氧化物薄膜的制备及其在薄膜晶体管中的应用 被引量:1

Preparation of Amorphous Indium-gallium-zinc-oxide Film and Its Application in Thin-film Transistor
摘要 非晶铟镓锌氧化物(a-IGZO)薄膜,作为一种新型透明氧化物半导体材料,最近引起了广泛关注。这主要是由于它优异的性能可以使它作为薄膜晶体管的有源层材料,在显示行业有巨大的应用前景。本文首先介绍了铟镓锌氧化物的结构,同时综述了非晶铟镓锌氧化物薄膜的制备方法,包括溅射、悬涂和喷墨印刷技术;最后对基于铟镓锌氧化物薄膜晶体管背板技术的产业化进行了展望。 Amorphous indium-gallium-zinc-oxide(a-IGZO) thin film,as a new kind of transparent oxide semiconductor material,has attracted much attention recently.This is due to its excellent performance and it has been successfully applied in thin-film transistors(TFT),showing great application prospection in display industry.In this presentation,the crystal structure of IGZO was also introduced.The main preparation methods of a-IGZO film were introduced and reviewed,including sputtering,spin-coating and inkjet printing.At last,we give some prospects on the industrialization of IGZO TFT-based display technology.
出处 《硅酸盐通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期106-110,共5页 Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society
关键词 非晶铟镓锌氧化物 薄膜 溅射 悬涂 喷墨印刷 a-IGZO film sputtering spin-coating inkjet printing
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