It was estimated that there are 1OO,OOO x-ray machines in China. Every year about 150 million persons are examined with medical diagnostic x-rayS. Therefore the study on radiological protection in medical diagnostic x-rays is a principal subject in the field of radiation protection. According to the practical conditions, the research group had done a series of research on the subject for 12 years. The main achevements are as follows: 1. Formulating the standards and administrative regulations for radiological protection in medical diagnostic x-rays. 2. Establishing the methods for monitoring protective perfomance of the x-ray machines. 3. Setting up and spreading the protective te chniques called 'filtretion, alignment, shielding' for improving the performance of the old x-ray machines. 4. Providing the methods for enhancing prot- ective performance of the x-ray machines made in China. 5. Providing the training courses of persons in this field. 6. Studying the protective techniques of exa- minees and promoting reasonable use of diagnostic radiology.