自2005年提出以来,h-指数受到了图书情报界和科技期刊界的广泛关注。国内外学者基于h-指数不足的基础上,提出了不同的扩展指标,如g-指数、hg-指数、A-指数、R-指数、AR-指数、hm-指数、mock h-指数、f-指数、e-指数、j-指数、hI-指数和SRI-指数等。以JCR内科学133种期刊为样本,Eigenfactor指标为参照,对h-指数及其扩展指标进行相关性分析发现,h-指数系列扩展指标均与Eigenfactor成显著性正相关,说明h-指数系列扩展指标可很好地用于期刊学术影响力的评价。同时,我们还从问卷调查的角度对h-指数及其扩展指标进行验证,发现相比h-指数,j-指数、A-指数、g-指数、e-指数、R-指数、hg-指数可很好地凸显期刊的学术影响力。因此,我们认为,h-指数系列扩展指标丰富和发展了h-指数的期刊评价功能。
More attention has been paid to h-index since its introduction in 2005. On the basis of its imperfectness, more variants are in- troduced, such as g-index j hg-index, A-index, R-index , AR-index, hm-index, mock h-index, f-index, e-index j j-index and SRI -index. We take 133 JCR "Medicine, General & Internal" journals as the data set and Eigenfactor as the criterion to evaluate the efficacy of h-index and its variants in assessing the influence of journals, and find significant correlations between Eigenfactor with variants of h- index, which indicate that h-index and its variants can be used to evaluate scientific production of journals..Moreover, questionnaire is used to assess the efficacy of h-index and its variants for evaluating journals. We also find that j-index, A-index, g-index, e-index, R -index and hg-index have priority to reflect journal influence to h-index. Therefore, we can make the conclusion that variants of h-index develop its role in journal evaluation.
Journal of Intelligence