
丛式井组总体防碰与钻井顺序优化技术及应用 被引量:23

Techniques of cluster well general anti-collision and drilling sequence optimization
摘要 针对丛式井组井间距小、钻井数量多、井间防碰钻井顺序优化难度大的技术特点,利用观察法结合系统科学方法,对平台与钻机整拖方向、目标点与井口位置、各目标井方位关系等进行了系统研究,以老168丛式井组为例,借助于Paradigm软件计算辅助手段,提出了一套钻井顺序整体优化思路与方法,并分析了钻井顺序排列规律。研究表明,对于密集型丛式井组钻井顺序优化,在分析防碰控制不利因素的基础上,根据油藏特点与布井规律分析钻井顺序优化原则,结合平台自身特点确定钻井顺序优化的方案,借助计算软件进行钻井顺序实施前的不断优化与实施过程中的持续优化。最终得到既满足油藏要求、又满足钻探目的的最优化钻井顺序,为国内海油陆采大型丛式井组钻井方案总体规划提供了科学依据。 Due to the small well spacing,large amount of drilled well,and great difficulty of interwell anti-collision drilling sequence optimization,by the method of mass observation and systematic study,the drag direction of whole platform and drilling rigs,the position of target point and wellhead,and the orientation relationship of different wells are systematically studied.Taking the matured 168 cluster well as an example,based on the results calculated by Paradigm,an approach of whole optimized drilling sequence is proposed,and the arrangement of drilling sequence is analyzed.The study shows that optimization of intensive cluster well drilling sequence should be based on the analysis of adverse factors,anti-avoidance control,the characteristics of the reservoir and the distribution of wells,combining with its own characteristics.Then,the calculation software is used during the entire drilling procedure to improve the drilling sequence.At last,the best drilling sequence which not only meet reservoir requirements but also the purpose of drilling is achieved.It supplies an scientific evidence for domestic large scale cluster well drilling program planning.
出处 《石油钻采工艺》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期9-12,16,共5页 Oil Drilling & Production Technology
基金 中石化集团公司重点科技攻关项目"滩海老168地区高效开发关键技术研究"(编号:P09032)
关键词 密集型丛式井组 防碰 排列规律 钻井顺序 老168平台 intensive cluster well anti-collision arrangement sequence drilling sequence matured 168 platform
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