
论外商投资合同法律效力争议解决 被引量:3

Resolve the Disputes Arising From the Legal Effect of Foreign Investment Contracts
摘要 本文所称外商投资合同法律效力争议,是一个较为宽泛的概念,它不仅包括外商在中国境内直接投资签署的中外合资/合作经营企业合同及其变更的法律效力所产生之争议,也包括外资并购合同法律效力产生之争议,还包括外商投资中企境外企业所签署的合同法律效力所产生之争议。本文意图通过对上述三种不同形式的外商投资合同法律效力所产生之争议的不同方面进行比较研究,从而找出正确的解决这些争议的方法,以供业内人士、仲裁员、律师参考。 The legal effect disputes of foreign investment contract so called in this article,is a wider concept,which is not only including Chinese-Foreign equity/contractual joint-venture contracts concluded by foreigners through direct investment in China,but also including the disputes arise from the legal effect of foreign Merger and Acquisition contracts,as well as the legal effect of the contract concluded by foreigners through investing abroad enterprises owned by domestic enterprises.Through the comparative study on the different aspect of the legal effect of the above three different foreign investment contracts,this article wants to find correct ways to resolve these disputes in order to be the references for the professionals,arbitrators and lawyers etc.
作者 于健龙
出处 《时代法学》 2012年第2期82-90,119,共10页 Presentday Law Science
关键词 中外合资/合作合同 外资并购合同 中企境外投资合同 法律效力争议 Chinese-Foreign equity/contractual joint ventures foreign merger and acquisition contract abroad investment contract by domestic enterprises disputes arising from the legal effect
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  • 1《印度市场面面观》,www.mofcom.gov.cn
  • 22006年商务部发布的六部委的《外资并购规定》第2条规定.
  • 3商务部网站www.mofcom.gov.cn.
  • 42001年《合资法实施条例》第14条.
  • 51995年《合作法实施细则》第11条.
  • 6《中国国际经济贸易仲裁裁决书选编》(1995-2002)[投资争议卷] 第1-4页.
  • 7《最高人民法院关于审理外商投资企业纠纷案件若干问题的规定(一)》第14条至第20条.
  • 81988年《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》第10条.
  • 9《合作法》第12条.
  • 10中华人民共和国合同法第44条2款.





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