By introducing the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), a model is constructed to compare the logistics development level of cold chain for agricultural products between China and other developed countries such as United States, Japan and Euro- pean. The paper makes a comparative study on the development levels of agricultural cold chain logistics in China and developed countries from the aspects of the level of cold chain logistics facilities and equipments, the degree of cold chain logistics market-oriented and the capacity of cold chain logistics, then determines the problems of cold chain logistics in China. With the experiences learning from developed countries, some countermeasures are proposed to resolve those problems of cold chain logistics for agricultural products development combining with the national conditions in China.
通过引入层次分析法,建立我国与美日欧洲等发达国家的农产品冷链物流发展对比层次分析模型,从冷链物流设施与设备、冷链物流市场化程度和冷链物流运输能力 3 个方面,对国内与国外发达国家的农产品冷链物流水平进行了比较,确定了国内农产品冷链物流发展中存在的具体差距,并借鉴国外发达国家的经验提出了适合我国国情的农产品冷链物流发展对策。
Supported by the Research Project of the Research Center of Hubei Logistics Development,China (2011A03)
the Humanities and Social Sciences Project of Hubei Provincial Department of Education Project,China (2011jyty027)~~