
司帕沙星眼用pH敏感原位凝胶的制备及体外角膜透过性考察 被引量:5

Preparation of Sparfloxacin pH-Sensitive in-situ Ophthalmic Gel and Its Corneal Penetration in Vitro
摘要 目的制备司帕沙星眼用pH敏感原位凝胶(SF-ISG),并考察其体外角膜透过性。方法以0.3%卡波姆与14%泊洛沙姆为基质,制备SF-ISG;测定其黏度;以同浓度司帕沙星滴眼液为对照,进行家兔眼滞留性研究,并利用Franz扩散池对其体外角膜透过性进行考察。结果 SF-ISG具有假塑性流体特性,黏度随着pH的增加而迅速增大;与SF滴眼液相比,可显著延长兔眼滞留性,并显著提高对体外角膜的透过量(P<0.05)。结论 SF-ISG具有明显的pH敏感性、眼部滞留性及促进角膜透过性,值得进一步研究。 penetration in vttro Objective To prepare sparfloxacin (SF) pH-sensitive in-situ ophthalmic gel (ISG) and study the corneal Methods 0.3% carbopol and 14% poloxamer was applied as gel base to prepare the SF-ISG. The viscosity of the gel was determined. SF eye-drops at the same concentration served as control. Retention capability and corneal penetration of SF-ISG were studied in vitro. Results The SF-ISG had the property of pseudoplastic fluid and the viscosity increased significantly with the increase of pH value. Compared with the SF eye-drops, the gel could significantly enhance the retention capability and corneal penetration in vitro (P〈 0. 05 ). Conclusion The SF-ISG with promising pH-sensitivity, retention capability and corneal penetration in vitro is valuable to be studied further.
作者 邓翔 何文
出处 《医药导报》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第6期783-785,共3页 Herald of Medicine
关键词 司帕沙星 凝胶 角膜透过性 体外 Sparfloxacin Gel Corneal penetration, in vitro
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