The problem of shore wash in environmental engineering is connected in particular with the effect of waves generated by the ships and fast speed boats. Another problem is protection of "Marines" with anchored boat against waves. Sloping banks provoke unfavorable transformation of waves. Simultaneously sloping bank is the factor which significantly complicates prediction of wave pattern in numerical analysis. The purpose of present paper is to demonstrate the results of numerical investigation of ship waves pattern in constrain water area with slope banks by panel method for non-linear ship waves calculation usually applied for ship hull perfection as routine instrument of towing tanks technology. The method initially developed for calculation of ship hull waves in inviscid infinite fluid was adapted to meet boundary conditions on slope banks. Verification of the method was done for 60-series ship in rectangular channel. Development of wave pattern generated by two ship of different types--monohull ferries and river catamaran was investigated. It was found that ship waves height significantly increased due to slopping banks comparing with case of deep water and shallow water rectangular channel.