Two new species, Eumenes ferrugiantennus sp. nov. from Yunnan and E. nigriscutatus sp. nov. from Chongqing and Sichuan, China, are described. A key to the species in this genus from southwestern China is provided. Types of the new species are deposited in the Institute of Entomology and Molecular Biology, Chongqing Normal University.
记述中国蜾蠃属Eumenes Latreille 2新种:锈触蜾蠃E. ferrugiantennus sp. nov.和黑盾蜾蠃E. nigriscutatus sp. nov.。锈触蜾蠃E. ferrugiantennus与E. placens Nurse, 1903近似,但前者体覆锈红色斑点及大的刻点,腹部第2节背板中部有1条黑色斑纹,雌性整个触角锈红色。黑盾蜾蠃E. nigriscutatus与分布于台湾的E. tosawae tosawae Soika, 1941近似,但前者覆有彩色斑纹,头胸腹均覆有较大的刻点,腹部第 2 节背板前端部有 1 较深的凹陷以形成 1 明显的翘状结构。文中还提供了西南地区种类检索表。新种模式标本保存于重庆师范大学昆虫与分子生物学研究所。
funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31000976,31071968)