
胸部开放伤后海水浸泡对实验犬血浆渗透压及电解质平衡的影响 被引量:31

Effect of seawater immersion on serum osmotic pressure and electrolyte balance in dogs after open chest injury
摘要 目的 :探讨胸部开放伤后海水浸泡对实验犬血浆渗透压和电解质平衡的影响。方法 :实验动物致伤后随机分为对照组 (n=10 )、海水浸泡组 (n=10 )和生理盐水浸泡组 (n=5 )。对照组为单纯胸外伤。海水浸泡组和生理盐水浸泡组动物于致伤后分别置入人工配制的海水或生理盐水中 ,于致伤前及入水 15、30、45分钟及 1、2、3和 4小时取血测定血浆渗透压、血钠、血钾、血氯 ,同时监测血流动力学变化。结果 :海水浸泡组动物有严重的电解质紊乱和血液高渗状态 ,表现为高渗综合征、高钠血症和高氯血症 ,而对照组和生理盐水浸泡组致伤前后无明显变化。结论 :海水浸泡对机体血浆渗透压和电解质平衡有严重影响 ,是实验犬致死的重要原因之一。 Objective:To evaluate the effect of seawater immersion on serum osmotic pressure and electrolyte balance after chest trauma.Methods:A canine model of right open pneumothorax was established.25 health dogs were divided into three groups.Control group ( n =10)was subjected to simple chest trauma,seawater immersion group( n =10) had seawater immersion after chest trauma,and normal saline solution group ( n =5) was immersed into normal saline solution after chest injury.Blood samples were obtained at different time intervals to determine serum osmotic pressure and electrolytes.The hemodynamic changes were also recorded.Results:Posttrauma mortality was much higher in seawater immersion group than that in control group and normal saline solution group.One of the most important causes of death was hypernatremia and high osmotality.In seawater immersion group,the major serum electrolyte imbalance was hypernatremia and hyperchloremia,and hypernatremia resulted in high osmotic pressure.The mean survival time in seawater immersion group was 45 minutes,while in control group and normal saline solution group were more than 4 hours.Conclusions:Seawater immersion after chest trauma appears to be associated with severe electrolyte imbalance as well as high osmotic pressure.These may be the risk factors leading to fatal outcome.
出处 《中国危重病急救医学》 CSCD 2000年第6期356-358,共3页 Chinese Critical Care Medicine
基金 解放军总后勤部卫生部"九五"指令性课题!基金资助项目 ( 96L 0 0 4)
关键词 海水浸泡 胸部开放伤 电解质平衡 血浆渗透压 seawater immersion open chest injury electrolyte balance osmotic pressure
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  • 3梁子钧,体液渗透压测定在医学中的应用,1988年,420页




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