
Numerical Simulation of Clocking Effect on Blade Unsteady Aerodynamic Force in Axial Turbine 被引量:3

Numerical Simulation of Clocking Effect on Blade Unsteady Aerodynamic Force in Axial Turbine
摘要 To give an insight into the clocking effect and its influence on the wake transportation and its interaction, the unsteady three-dimensional flow through a 1.5-stage axial low pressure turbine is simulated numerically by using a density-correction based, Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations commercial CFD code. The 2nd stator clocking is applied over ten equal tangential positions. The results show that the harmonic blade number ratio is an important factor affecting the clocking effect. The clocking effect has very small influence on the turbine efficiency in this investigation. The difference between the maximum and minimum efficiency is about 0.1%. The maximum efficiency can be achieved when the 1st stator wake enters the 2nd stator passage near blade suction surface and its adjacent wake passes through the 2nd stator passage close to blade pressure surface. The minimum efficiency appears if the 1st stator wake impinges upon the leading edge of the 2nd stator and its adjacent wake of the 1st stator passes through the mid-channel in the 2nd stator. The wake convective transportation and the blade circulation variation due to its impingement on the subsequent blade are the main mechanism affecting the pressure variation in blade surface.
出处 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第5期474-482,共9页 热科学学报(英文版)
基金 supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Grant No.20100470694) Shanghai Postdoctoral Sustentation Fund,China(GrantNo.11R21413800)
关键词 Axial Turbine Clocking Effect Numerical Simulation 非定常气动力 数值模拟 叶片数 轴流式水轮机 Navier-Stokes方程 时钟 对流运输 压力变化
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