We combine the Fermi and Moran update rules in the spatial prisoner's dilemma and snowdrift games to investigate the behavior of collective cooperation among agents on the regular lattice. Large-scale simulations indicate that, compared to the model with only one update rule, the the role of update dynamics should be paid more attention in cooperation behavior exhibits the richer phenomena, and the evolutionary game theory. Meanwhile, we also observe that the introduction of Moran rule, which needs to consider all neighbor's information, can markedly promote the aggregate cooperation level, that is, randomly selecting the neighbor proportional to its payoff to imitate will facilitate the cooperation among agents. Current results will contribute to further understand the cooperation dynamics and evolutionary behaviors within many biological, economic and social systems.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.60904063
Tianjin Municipal Natural Science Foundation under Grant No.11JCYBJC06600
the Development Fund of Science and Technology for the Higher Education in Tianjin under Grant No.20090813
the 7th Overseas Training Project for the Young and Middle Teachers in Tianjin Municipal Universities