

Design and Application of Auto-definition Test System Based on FPGA
摘要 根据CCD成像软件测试需要,提出了以virtex5系列FPGA器件为核心的软件测试系统,描述了系统软硬件结构,分析了软件测试功能和测试用例;对时序、功能、故障模式、可靠性等进行测试并讨论;采用FPGA测试充分发挥了并行运算处理的优势,并能够实现快速在线实时重构,实现实时测量;通过系统仿真和实际测量,验证了软件的各项性能指标满足设计要求,表明FPGA测试系统在实际的CCD成像软件系统测试中能够很好的模拟时序和故障状态,完成测试任务,可广泛用于航天、探测等领域。 A software test system is designed based on FPGA of virtex5 series for the CCD imaging system test. The structures of the hardware and software are depicted. It analyzes the functions of the test system and the test items, gives the total performances of the results as to the failure modes, functions test, sequences and so on. FPGA test system could achieve the real-time re-eonfigurab]e function, and make parallel-calculation process come true, so it is a prior scheme for test system design. By the simulation and real--time measurement, it proves that the FPGA test system gives a better test method and gets detailed performances on the functions and the system indexes for the CCD imaging software system. The results shows that the FPGA test method could be widely used in the areas of space navigation, explora- tion and so on.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期2363-2365,共3页 Computer Measurement &Control
关键词 Virtex5测试系统 软件测试 并行处理 Virtex5 test system software measurement parallel process
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